No Dumb Dogs, Only Dumb Owners: Why You Might Be the One Who Needs Training First

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If you’re a dog owner, chances are you’ve experienced frustration when your furry friend misbehaves. However, it’s important to remember that there are no “dumb…
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Dog Shedding 101: A Comprehensive Guide for First-Time Dog Owners

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As a first-time dog owner, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed with all the new responsibilities that come with your furry companion. One aspect that often…
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The Hidden Dangers of Dog Walking: Tips for Keeping Your Furry Friend Safe

Comments Off on The Hidden Dangers of Dog Walking: Tips for Keeping Your Furry Friend Safe I am appalled to read the news about people intentionally poisoning dogs with strychnine! While I understand that not everyone may be fond of…
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Adopting dogs (please…?)

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Adopting a new pet can be a life-changing experience. It’s a decision that requires careful consideration, as you want to find the perfect pet to…
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